This informed voluntary consent to receive advertising and informational materials by LLC «ТОР» is developed in accordance with Federal Law No. 38-FZ «On Advertising» dated March 13, 2006, Federal Law No. 126-FZ «On Communications» dated July 7, 2003, and Federal Law No. 152-FZ «On Personal Data» dated July 27, 2006.

I (a user of the website (, acting in my own interests, hereby consent to the Limited Liability Company «Third Opinion Platform» (LLC «ТОР») (Primary State Registration Number 5177746328106, Taxpayer Identification Number 7714420229, legal address: 121205, Moscow, Skolkovo Innovation Center territory, Nobel Street, Building 7, Floor 2, Office No. 37, Workplace No. 2) (hereinafter referred to as the «Company») to send to the contact details I provided on the website ( (phone number, email address) messages for informational and advertising purposes, namely: notifications about events, scientific articles, and other informational and advertising content, in the form of SMS messages, and/or emails, and/or messages in messengers, and/or push notifications, and/or via phone calls.

I agree that the text of this consent, given voluntarily and in my own interests, will be stored electronically in a database and confirms my consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with the aforementioned provisions. I take responsibility for the accuracy of the personal data provided.

I confirm that I am aware that at any time during the validity period of this consent, I have the right to withdraw my consent and unsubscribe from receiving mailings by following the appropriate link available in any email.

I am informed that in case of any questions regarding the refusal of mailings, I can contact the Company's technical support service for assistance by sending an email.

This consent is granted for an indefinite period unless information about its withdrawal is provided.

By this document, I confirm that my conclusive actions (filling out the registration form and clicking the «Join», «Contact Us», «Reach Out» or «Submit» buttons) on the Company’s website constitute sufficient form of consent and allow the Company to confirm the fact of obtaining such consent without the need for additional evidence to prove my voluntary decision.
Informed Voluntary Consent To Receive Advertising And Informational Materials